
242H44691 Conversation Club - II / B2

Are you interested in British life and customs? Are you curious to find out what is going on in the English speaking world, want to find out more about traditions and customs, life and literature, people and places? In this course we are keen to discuss more than just current affairs in Great Britain and the US (and sometimes even Germany) with the help of newspapers, books and films. If you like to meet people and exchange views, have a laugh and perhaps even add to your already good knowledge of the English language. Come and join us! 

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Raum B8

ist barrierefrei

Schobüller Str. 38-40
25813 Husum

Termine zum dieser Kurs
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
09:30 - 11:00 Uhr
Schobüller Str. 38-40, Raum B8

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